

Phone Number Privacy Settings

How to Change Your Phone Number Privacy Settings on BisManOnline

    As an added protection, and based on feedback from our users, BisManOnline has implemented a change in our system that protects your phone number from un-verified users of BisManOnline. This is an effort both to protect your privacy, as well as protecting you from potentially unknown and malicious users of our site that may contact you in an attempt to conduct a scam or other illegal behavior.

    By default ALL phone numbers are now hidden from users unless they have a verified working account with The phone number screen to anonymous users will display as follows:

    Although we believe that this change offers good protection for our users, we realize that some of our customers may wish to override this behavior.   You may change this setting to allow anonymous users to view your phone number by visiting the Member Center, clicking on "Change Contact Information" under "Account" and selecting the checkbox titled: ""Display your phone number to anonymous (not-logged in) users"


    ***Important Note*** Revealing your phone number to browsers and unverified users on BisManOnline may result in contacts from parties who may be scammers. An invalid phone number can also be a good indication that the contact is from a scammer. Please be cautious when dealing with people that don't want to talk over the phone or communicate only via text message. We never suggest sending money through the mail expecting to get a product in return. Our site is all about local people and local transactions. Never make a transaction with someone outside of the state or country without speaking with them on the phone.


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